Barrow, Broseley, Shropshire TF12 5BW

01952 388640

Barrow 1618

A Church of England Free School

Our Curriculum

Intent, Implementation & Impact

As a Primary Free School, we have the freedom and flexibility to ensure that our curriculum is tailored to suit our school’s community. Our intent for the curriculum is for every pupil to achieve the highest possible standards in all areas of the National Curriculum and beyond. Our progressive curriculum is designed to ensure that children develop a secure balance of knowledge that they remember and skill which they are able to apply securely in different contexts.  Opportunities for our pupils to learn outside the classroom are maximised. Their learning is enhanced by participating in real life experiences provided by our extensive rural grounds, educational visits and expert visitors. Much of their learning will take place outdoors where they explore, care for and manage their environment, developing a deep understanding of wider ecological issues. We want them to enjoy their learning journeys and approach personal challenges successfully and with confidence. Our creative approach enables English and Maths skills to be applied through the Foundation Subjects including History, Geography, Computing, Art, Design and Technology and French. Our pupils take part in a rich and varied Physical Education curriculum which enables them to compete in a diverse range of sports. Pupils enjoy singing and have the opportunity to participate in local events and celebrations. Through the teaching and embedding of our Barrow school values and ‘British Values’, pupils celebrate their differences and similarities and the strengths and successes found in each other, as well as in the wider community. The personal, social and moral development of each child is recognised throughout the school day. We have strong links with our local church and community, inviting external visitors and volunteers into our school frequently. Children are also given many opportunities to develop as individuals within the life of the school, for example, by leading whole school Celebration assemblies and as School Councillors, Bronze Ambassadors, Play Leaders and Playground Buddies, curriculum roles and responsibilities.


Please read our Curriculum Policy 

See our EYFS Curriculum Intent and EYFS Policy

Find out about our approach through our Teaching and Learning Policy

If you want to find out more about our Curriculum please contact our Headteacher, via email at

Barrow is a rural area with isolated houses between the historic market town of Much Wenlock and Broseley. Children from surrounding areas in all directions attend the school and arrive by car. It is approximately 15 miles (24 km) south-east of Shrewsbury; approximately 8 miles (13 km) north-west of Bridgnorth and approximately 9 miles (14.5 km) south-west of Telford. The percentage of children who have English as an additional language is 2%. There are 10% of pupils with SEN support which is lower than average in mainstream schools. Of our pupil population, 13% is defined as disadvantaged which is lower than average in mainstream schools. 

What do our pupils need?

  • To be taught the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life and to grow as educated citizens; enabling them to understand the many possibilities and opportunities available to them;
  • To develop learning behaviours that promote resilience, independence and success;
  • To have high aspirations and ambition, with the knowledge, skills and confidence that allow them to continue to fulfil their interests and achieve their goals after leaving our school;
  • To develop a deep understanding of the diversity within the country in which they live by ensuring a wide range of experiences in different settings, including partnerships with other schools;
  • To experience opportunities that enable them to express themselves using a rich and varied vocabulary.

What do they enjoy?

  • Opportunities to work as a team
  • Learning outside the classroom - outdoor learning in the forest, grounds, garden and outdoor classroom - trips and visitors
  • Expressing their views, solving problems and being challenged
  • Opportunities to share their achievements; to perform and participate in competitions

Our Barrow Values

Our school values are at the heart of our broad and balanced curriculum.

  • Curiosity: We are interested and ask questions.
  • Resilience: We ‘bounce back’ when times are tough.
  • Teamwork: We work as a team that is stronger together.
  • Ambition: We work hard to achieve our goals and we never give up.
  • Care: We look after each other, ourselves and our environment.
  • Respect: We are thoughtful and considerate to ourselves, others and the environment.


With faith, friendship and courage we grow


Like the plants and trees in our Barrow 1618 grounds, we are nurtured and GROW – and we just keep growing – and as we keep growing, we keep asking questions - and we never stop learning …

At Barrow 1618, we value a rich, broad and balanced curriculum, underpinned by our Christian values, that is relevant, purposeful, challenging and inspirational, reaching beyond the constraints of the classroom. We strive for the highest standards of attainment for all our children whilst aiming to make learning fun because we believe that happy children learn better. We encourage our children to value learning and become creative thinkers and life-long independent learners.

 Click the image above to find out more about our school's approach to teaching phonics - the building blocks of reading and writing - in the Early Years and Key Stage One 

Please click the links below to view our 'Long Term Plans', which provide an overview of the topics our classes will be studying in the foundation areas of learning. Each LTP provides a snapshot and will be enhanced by various trips, visitors and hands-on experiences. So that we can remain responsive to the world around us, we may also change the area of focus from time to time. We hope you'll find this useful. If you're a parent of a current pupil, you may wish to tailor some additional research or homework to preparing for the next term's topics to stay ahead of the game!  

Yew Class - EYFS Overview 2024-25

Elm Class (Year 1 and 2) Overview  2024-25

Ash Class (Year 3 and 4) Overview 2024-25

Oak Class (Year 5 and 6) Overview 2024-25