At Barrow 1618, we aim to foster a deep understanding, critical thinking and a love for learning, ensuring that every child achieves their full mathematical potential. Staff share a joint belief that everyone can master maths and continuous professional development is tailored to ensure that staff can support the needs of all.
Through the use of effective models, images and resources, in combination with mathematical talk and opportunities to build fluency, children will develop a secure understanding of mathematical concepts, knowledge and skills and be competent and confident at applying them to reason and problem-solve.
There are five fundamental principles of our maths curriculum:
- Building blocks – children secure the essential foundations of maths through specially designed programs and fluency opportunities.
- Model and images – a variety of concrete and pictorial models and images are used to build conceptual understanding and to provide strategies for pupils’ own reasoning.
- Maths talk – mathematical talk is high quality and children are encouraged to engage in talking about their understanding.
- Practice Time – time is made to allow children to practice recall of fundamental knowledge until they achieve automaticity. This reduces cognitive load.
- Problem solving – children are given opportunities to apply their learning in a variety of appropriate ways.
Please click on the links below for a copy of our more detailed maths vision and maths policy.
Maths Units and Objectives
The Maths overview (linked below) shows the different maths units that the children learn and when. The maths objective documents show the maths objectives covered in each year group.
Calculation Policies
The calculation policies linked below show the range of methods and models that children use to work out addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations. They also show the methods used for calculating fractions.
Times Tables
Times Tables are at the heart of mental arithmetic, which helps form the basis of a child’s understanding and ability when working with number. Once the children have learnt the times tables and related divisions by heart, they are able to work far more confidently – and efficiently – through a wide range of more advanced calculations. At Barrow 1618, we believe that through a variety of interactive, visual, engaging and rote learning techniques, most children can achieve the full times tables knowledge required by the end of Year 4. This will equip them with the mental arithmetic skills needed for the maths curriculum.
Please see below for a parent guidance sheet about times tables and suggestions about how you can help at home.
Please see below a presentation for parents about times tables. There is a video version with Mrs Hayes speaking through the presentation and a version of just the slides.
Helpful Maths Videos
Base Ten blocks - representing numbers and place value:
Place Value chart - representing numbers and addition and subtraction
Place Value chart - multiplying by 10
Place Value chart - dividing by 10
Place Value chart - multiplication
Numicon - number bonds
Numicon - calculating
Part-whole models